Friday, August 05, 2005

It's Time To Get Ill

After going 7 weeks with reasonable health, Tuesday morning hit me like a brick wall. I don't know what it was (I'll get to that in a little bit), but I felt awful. Still wanting to keep my perfect attendance I went to class and fought the hard fight. Generally, I've found it's a bad sign when people look at you and then look like their gonna cry out of fright. During break I fell asleep for 10 short minutes in the dark corner of an empty class. Not surprisingly, I skipped Chinese table that day.

Trying to determine the cause of the illness is a fruitless and futile task--practically everything I do at this point would cause illness in a normal person. I've been eating food filled with bugs. I haven't done a load of laundry in China. I sleep infrequently and then for the entire weekend. I thought I had found the cause the other day when I looked down at my Iced Tea and noticed that the expiration date was three months ago. I went up to the storekeeper and, risking the great friendship that we've developed, asked him what was the dealio? He told me that was the date the product was made, not when it expired--a likely story. Now I sip iced tea with fear, if his story his true than the dates are all necessarily in the past. If his story is but a cover for a friend who owns a warehouse of expired iced tea, than I am certainly doomed.

For all the worrying family members, 24 hours of consecutive sleep (including through Wednesday class) seems to have solved my problem. I feel great and just played two hours of basketball with Chinese people. For the record, a grabbed a monumental number of rebounds.


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