Friday, May 21, 2004

X Marks the spot

I forgot a funny story that I have about leaving Princeton.

When everyone leaves here to go home, they obviously put there stuff into storage over the summer. Well, my roommate, Brett, offered to store my stuff at his house over the summer and he took most of it away yesterday which is great. Except, theres a few things left here (sheets, lamp, books) that I forgot to give to him and that are too big to take on the plane. So, what I did is hide them in funny places that noone would look all over the college. I put all my extra books on an unused shelf in the library and I hid my guitar behind a desk in the music room. I'm still looking for a place to put my lamp and a bunch of cheese that I've saved up, but so far the plan is going great. And the best part is, I'm going to draw up a treasure map so that I remember where to find everything in Septmber when I come back. And it's going to be written in Pirate-type languauge (To find ye notebook and index cards stand on the X and march three paces aftward!). That reminds me, I have to go draw a big X on the ground. Shiver me timbers what fun it shall be!


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