Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Live at the Comedy Club

MC: Ladies and Gentleman welcome to the Tom Knight comedy club. And now here is, he owns the place so we have to watch him: It's Tommmmmmm Knight!
Tom: Thankyou, thankyou. I just swam here and boy are my arms and legs tired.
Crowd: (applause)
T: Yeah, so anyways, the other day, I was minding my own business, when all of a sudden, this guy does something totally unexpected and hypocritical. And I was like, what? But, ok, I go on minding my own business, when all of a sudden another guy does something hypocritical, but, BUT in the exact opposite way as the first guy. I was like, woah, how ironic! Hellllllloooooo!
C: How Ironic!
T: So, what's the worst part about the common cold?
C: How cold was it??
T: The fact that there's not a cure for it.
C: (Sneezes)
T: Why did the person go to IHOP, the International House of Pancakes?
C: Why?
T: So they could get crippling diahrreah and lose enough wait to fit into that prom dress.
C: Thats practical and hilarious!
T: If I opened a chain of Mexican Restaurants, hey fuggedaboutit, all we would serve would be rice drink!
C: (Confusion)
T: Hmm, sorry about that one.
C: That's ok.
T: So, let's see...Why did the student become outraged?
C: Pourquoi?
T: Isn't it obvious? Grade Inflation!
C: Now it's time for the political part of the routine.
T: Right, how'd you know?
C: What's the worst part about George Bush?
T: The gas prices! I'm so tired of PAYING AT THE PUMP! Good thing I DON'T OWN A CAR!
C: "A breakthrough comedian, the finest of a generation"
T: What's the worst part about being in the band the Arcade Fire?
C: Having Erin Sale as your number one fan!
T: Why did member's of Rock and Roll band the Walkmen burn their master tapes and recite a vow never to make any more music.
C: Because Erin Sale became their number one fan after seeing them featured on an episode of The OC.
T: Thankyou, everyone, you've been a wonderful audience.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Erin Sale's reaction:

*rolls eyes* gosh why can't they grow up, im gonna go have sex while listening to the totally underground sensation bright eyes

5:28 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

tom you a real soulful dude

7:58 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i wonder if justin knows his post wasn't anonymous. why are you guys so mean??

8:28 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I wonder if Parisa knows her post wasn't anonymous. why is she so lame?

2:52 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

quite impressive!

2:45 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

you should do actual stand up! I would buy your magazine and bring it to the show!

7:21 PM  

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