Monday, April 03, 2006

Few and Far Between

Princeton has surprisingly few great writers, but they're out there. In my opinion the two best are Kendall Turner and Powell Fraser. Powell writes an always outstanding column for the Daily Prince that used to be published on the same day as mine. Fortunately, he moved to Monday, so that I no longer seem like a hack in comparison. He has the most distinctive voice of any Prince columnists: every column is about alcohol and how the administration is ruining the campus by not letting him drink alcohol and by lowering his grades. It's a tactic that could backfire terribly, but Powell makes it work by filling his articles with hilarious pop culture and inside jokes. Hmm, I've made him sound like a bad episode of Family Guy. Let the writing speak for itself:

Operation Enduring Employment

Kendall might be an even better writer than Powell. She writes good poetry, which is something almost no college students can do. She also wrote the best article in the already excellent "Foss" issue of the Nassau Weekly. Every year the Nass picks one student in the Princeton student body and they dedicate 20-odd pages to telling the story of his life. This concept transforms a normally so-so publication into compelling reading. For her article, Kendall went on a date with Foss and wrote about it with style and grace. Here it is:

Dating Ryan Foss

Another writer who aspires to the greatness of these two is Tom Knight. Though I wouldn't dare link my story in the presence of such greatness, but it does come out in the Prince tomorrow. Check it out if you want.


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Just pulling your leg. Funny articles.

1:21 AM  
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