Saturday, February 11, 2006

This Weekend

My dad was in town for business which meant a trip to NYC for some good eats. We went to the Oyster Bar at Grand Central, which had been closed due to protestor the last time we had walked by it. The employees had inflated a giant rat on the sidewalk and were chanting, "Boycott the oyster bar!" at passers-by. It has since entered the lexicon of the Knight family, so Kip and I jumped at the opportunity to finally see what the fuss was all about. I tried there, for the first and last time of my life, Oysters Rockefeller. In an act of stunning bravado Kip actually asked a waiter what all the fuss had been about. A lengthy, awkward conversation followed during which we discovered that the employees had wanted an increase in their health benefits. I didn't even know that oyster bars had health plans.

Today we went on our semi-annual pilgrimage to the Lehigh Valley Wal Mart. After pikcing up Chris P. Knight from his dorm room, we drove to this mecca of white trash. Honestly, it is a miracle that this building has not collapsed into the earth, what with the stunning weight of the people shopping there.

I was looking through the electronics department when I noticed a girl about my age asking one of the employees about a cd player. She wanted to know what 60 second shock protection meant. The guy said, and this is a direct quote, I kid you not, "Let's say you get in a car crash while you're listening to music and you're bumping all around the place. Maybe then it's gonna skip." The girl look scared. I don't think she bought the cd player.


Blogger Roland Allen said...

GREAT stories, TK. Man, the Knights know how to live - and you get around. I'll have to put the Lehigh Valley "Wal-Mart" on my "too visit" list.

Thanks for the tip.

12:00 AM  

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