Friday, January 20, 2006

Microwave and Bruckheimer

There is nothing worse than when I am studying in the common room, and some jerk comes in to microwave his food. The Bloomberg common room is not only small; it also lacks any kind of ventilation. So, long after the hungry jerk has absconded with his tasty treat, I am left with foul odors that pierce my very soul and prevent any kind of studying.

This wouldn't be too bad if the foods being microwaved were conventional fare, but for some reason my dorm is packed full of international kids. This means that I was being forced to inhale an unholy conglomeration of enchilada, curry, and a Korean kid's dish which was disconcertingly difficult to identify. The worst is actually when someone makes popcorn, because the smell lingers for hours.

So, I got fed up. After about three days, I went searching for a study area without a microwave. And I couldn't find one! What kind of planning is this?! I can't think of two things that belong together less than studying and food preparation. Desperate, I came up with a cute little plan. I unplugged the microwave. Unfortunately the next person that came in saw right through this, plugged the microwave back in, and proceeded to foul up the room.

I had to go further. I tore a sheet of paper from my notebook, scrawled a hasty "OUT OF ORDER" and put it in front of the microwave. I then unplugged it again and for good measure hid the plug.

My new plan is working great. People come in with their nasty little dinners, look at the sign, and scurry away to someone else's room. I hate to admit it, but I get a pathetic little burst of joy every time I see the dissapointment on their faces.

Also this. I beg of you, it's very important so I will put it in all-caps. READ JERRY BRUCKHEIMER'S iTUNES CELEBRITY PLAYLIST! It is beyond description. There's so many countless jokes that I could make, but none of them will beat the real thing. So read it. Just go into iTunes celebrity playlists. His is on the first page right now. Let me know what you think.


Blogger Chris said...

what happens when someone reads this from your dorm and exposes you to the world?!

9:54 PM  

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