Friday, December 23, 2005


The Thursday before I left for home, I was pulling an all-nighter studying for a music quiz cruelly scheduled on Friday, when I heard a pounding on my neighbors door.

"This is the police! You are under arrest!"

I tried to see as much as I could through my peephole, and from what I could make out they were escorting this kid, who I barely knew out of the building in handcuffs. The next day, two detectives had fingerprinted everything in his room and placed it in plastic bags marked as evidence.

Today I finally found out what happened. Apparently my neighbor was an arsonist: Read Article Here. Hot...


Blogger Thomas Knight said...

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5:34 AM  
Blogger Thomas Knight said...

Thanks for your insightful comment. Though I cannot, in good conscience, condone your controversial view on arsony, I commend the courage you have demonstrated in speaking your mind.

5:35 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Very sad

9:10 PM  

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