Friday, January 20, 2006

I Shot the Sheriff

Wow, three blog posts in one night. Pretty sad I guess. But basically Chris Knight has fired the first shot in a blog war, in a recent post claiming that his blog was the best, and that he got more hits than me and THIS MEANS WAR! I would link to his blog so you could read it, but that would sort of defeat the purpose.

Here is the first grenade that I will lob in what should be a mighty war (by the way, one day I have to blog about the time that Chris and I waged a giant pitched battle on the fields of our elementary school. It was one of the most epic moments of my life). Anyways, back to the grenade, it is actually a grenade which, when it explodes sends a bunch of little tiny grenades flying in all directions and then those grenades explode, that's how powerful it is. What could possibly be that good? How about a clip from last night's American Idol? If that doesn't generate hits then I don't know what will. Actually, I do. A picture of a Lindsay Lohan catsup bottle. But that's been done.

Anyway, you can find it at my website, specifically here. It's at the bottom, called "I Shot the Sheriff". I'm not sure how this whole internet thing works, but if you wanna recommend it to your friends, maybe it will get on Google or at least Yahoo! That sentence wasn't meant to end in an exclamation point, but I felt obligated to use the full brand name in describing the popular search engine.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Pretty funny Mr Tom.... good luck with you exams

Mr K

11:12 AM  

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