Wednesday, February 08, 2006

I'm It

Though I sincerely doubt there is anyone out there (except maybe my parents) who care about my life enough to find this fascinating, this is an excuse to restart the blog. S here are my ten things, as you may have seen on Chris Knight's blog and others:

Ten Things

1. The second line of something that I read today
"A weeknd is complete if I"

  1. A weekend is complete if I:
put off homework until Sunday 7 pm, and then get really upset at myself for doing that.

  1. They’d be surprised if they knew:
I met Conan O' Brien, but at the time I didn't know who he was.

  1. My favorite airport is:
Long Beach Airport where the motto seems to be: "convenience first, security second".

  1. My least favorite airport is:
JFK, located a convenient four hour commute from my dorm room .

  1. I’d like to visit:

  1. I’d like to revisit:
Amish Country, Hershey, PA, and Gettysburg, PA (sarcasm)

  1. (Can be true) Something I could send to PostSecret is:
Sometimes I wish I hadn't deleted the new Coldplay album from my iTunes.

  1. I envy this blog design: a brilliant website.

  1. I felt emotional after this movie:


Blogger Roland Allen said...


12:57 AM  

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