Friday, April 29, 2005

I Am So Famous

Today I got an another article in the Daily Princetonian. This makes three fore me, but I think this was my best one. You can read it here:

So far people have said they liked it, which is always nice, and I even got an email from my friend Rob's mom. Hopefully next year I can write for them a little more regularly, but it seems like a lot of people try to write for the Prince, so I'll take what I can get.

Right now they are having a filibuster to protest Bill Frist trying to get rid of the filibuster. Students are just standing up in front of the Frist Center (built by Frist) and reading variuos random things. You can read about it if you do a search in google news, I don't feel like putting up any links. Anyway, today Rush Holt came by. He is a congressman from New Jersey. He came by and did some filibustering by reading from Aesop's fables and then giving a little speech.

Someone asked him why democrats couldn't just stop the filibuster by filibustering, and he seemed to become confused. I asked him why he was making it seem like the filibuster was being entirely dismantled, when the "nuclear option" concerned only legislative appointments". He said that as soon as the first type of filibuster was removed the second would quickly follow. I think there's a lot of misinformation going around on both sides, as is typical of any issue anymore, but Rush seemed like a nice, if slightly nervous guy, so vote for Rush.

Tonight they are having house parties, which is basically some parties at the eating clubs where everyone gets dressed up. They were a little too expensive for my limitied budget, so I decided to opt out this year. Tonight my plan is to play some online chess and drink 10 cans of snapple iced tea which I was given at Frist Fest yesterday. Should be a blast.


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