Thursday, May 05, 2005


This is my third blog post in as many days. At what point do I leave the realm of the mere mortal and become a "blogger"?

Today is 05/05/05. The Mexicans must be thrilled. To celebrate Cinqo de Mayo de Cinqo our cafeteria served a fine assortment of self-proclaimed Mexican food including fried cod and broccolli. As we all know these two dishes practically define Mexican cuisine and the Mexicans get a good laugh out of the Gringo's who asscoiate tacos or burritos or Enchiritos with Mexico.

I was thinking that it was pretty neat that it was 05/05/05, and felt bad that I wasn't celebrating, so I performed a modest, but mildly impressive jig and hummed a merry tune. The tune was "The Power of Suds" by "Weird" Al Yankovich. It is a hilarious parody of "The Power of Love" by Huey Lewis and the News.

Today was Chinese Table, which is where the Chinese students all gather around the table at Forbes and speak Chinese with another. I'm a little nervous for going to China, because if you speak English once there you get an automatic "B", and if you speak english twice they send you home. Here is a humorous scene I imagined of what my time in China will be like:

(Tom flying on plane, reading a book. The book is a "choose-your-own adventure", but a pretty mediocre one. Tom's has chosen his adventure such that in the book he is also sitting on a plane reading a choose-your-own-adventure. Thinking about this is making Tom's head hurt, so he takes a nap. Fade to Tom arriving at Beijing University. Tom approaches check-in.)
Tom: Hello there
Chinese Person: Automatic B!
Tom: Oh crap.
Chinese Person: And now you leave!
(Cut to Tom flying back on the plane as humorous music plays in the background).

Right now, Chris is making a comic strip that we wrote. It's pretty funny, and I'll post it here when he's done.


Blogger Chris said...

I am making a comic... cute blog.. i need more stories on mine, but i have gotten lazy, and only do links and lame pictures...

9:19 PM  

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